Cele mai noi anunturi din judetul Bucuresti
Operatiunea se face pe loc numai cu piese originale Schimb buton home silent inlocuiesc baterie etc... REPARATII iPhone HARDWARE SI SOFTWARE pentru Apple iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G orice problema DECODARI DEBLOCARI RESOFTARI Apple iPhone
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - Service / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Reparatii iPhone Bucuresti 4 3GS 2G hardware software Resoftari iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.1 4.2 DECODARI iPhone orice versiune de soft Promotie 19eur. PROFESIONALISM by Mario_Octavian. Tel 0765.45.46.44
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Resoftare iPhone 3GS 2G 4 Resoftez iPhone 4.1 3GS 3G 2G 4 garantat pe loc Prin cablu de date Decodare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G Decodez iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G absolut orice versiune firmware Deblocare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.1 4.2 Deblochez iPhone
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service iPhone Bucuresti 3G 3GS 2G Repar iPhone Bucuresti 3G 3GS 2G soft hard DECODARE iPhone 4.1 Resoftare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.1 Resoftez iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.2 pe loc prin cablu Decodare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G Decodez iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Reparatii iPhone Bucuresti 3GS 4 3G 2G hardware software Resoftari iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G orice versiune firmware Service iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G Repar iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G Deblocare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.1 Deblochez iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - Service / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service Gsm Contact Andrei 0786.626.939 0727.632.352 Instalez soft de navigatie (GPS) pe iPhone 3G si 3Gs. Softul poate fi folosit chiar si fara cartela in telefon. Nu necesita ca telefonul sa aiba 3G ul EDGE ul sau WiFi ul activat. Poate fi folosit
12 Eur - Tel: 0786626939 - Service / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Decodare Apple iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.1 pe loc prin cablu de date Service Apple iPhone Bucuresti Deblocare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G Deblochez iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G absolut orice versiune firmware Resoftare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.1 4.2 Resoft iPhone
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Decodare iPhone 4 3GS 4.1 3G 2G Decodez iPhone 4 3G 3GS 4.1 garantat pe loc prin cablu de date Deblocare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G Deblochez iPhone 3GS 3G 2G absolut orice versiune firmware 4.1 sau 4.2 Decodari iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G Deblocari
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Deblocare iPhone 4 4.1 3GS 2G Deblochez iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G absolut orice versiune firmware inclusiv 4.1 si 4.2 Resoftare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.1 Resoftez iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G pe loc prin cablu Service iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G Repar iPhone 4 3GS
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Decodari iPhone 4 3GS 3G 4.1 4.2 3G 2G Deblocari iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G orice versiune firmware inclusiv 4.1 4.2 Reparatii iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G Resoftari iPhone 3GS 3G 2G hardware software Deblocare iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G 4.1 Deblochez
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - Decodare / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
functioneaza cu 2 cartele simultan replica absolut identica 1 1 cu originalul meniu identic accesorii compatibile Nokia e75 tastatura QWERTY WIFI 802.11b g wireless internet radio fm 2 camere foto video blit 2 mpx camera senzori g
449 - Tel: 0765311335 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
* WIFI 802.11 b g * Dual sim dual standby * display 3.5 inch touch screen de inalta rezolutie 320x480px * camera foto 2MP (1600x1200) cu blitz camera fata VGA * Agenda proprie 500 de numere * Slide to unlock
499 - Tel: 0765311335 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM Apple iPhone mihai 0786626919 Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou 4.1 4.2.1 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G U
12 Ron - Tel: 0786626919 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM Apple iPhone mihai 0786626919 Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou 4.1 4.2.1 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G U
12 Ron - Tel: 0786626919 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM Apple iPhone mihai 0786626919 Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou 4.1 4.2.1 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G U
12 Ron - Tel: 0786626919 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM Apple iPhone mihai 0786626919 Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou 4.1 4.2.1 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G U
12 Ron - Tel: 0786626919 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM Apple iPhone mihai 0786626919 Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou 4.1 4.2.1 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G U
12 Ron - Tel: 0786626919 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM Apple iPhone mihai 0786626919 Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou 4.1 4.2.1 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G U
12 Ron - Tel: 0786626919 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM Apple iPhone mihai 0786626919 Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou 4.1 4.2.1 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G U
12 Ron - Tel: 0786626919 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM Apple iPhone mihai 0786626919 Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou 4.1 4.2.1 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G U
12 Ron - Tel: 0786626919 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM Apple iPhone mihai 0786626919 Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou 4.1 4.2.1 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G U
12 Ron - Tel: 0786626919 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM Apple iPhone mihai 0786626919 Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou 4.1 4.2.1 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G U
12 Ron - Tel: 0786626919 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM Apple iPhone mihai 0786626919 Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou 4.1 4.2.1 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G U
12 Ron - Tel: 0786626919 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM Apple iPhone mihai 0786626919 Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou 4.1 4.2.1 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G U
12 Ron - Tel: 0786626919 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM Apple iPhone mihai 0786626919 Oferim Service PROFESIONAL pentru telefoane Apple iPhone Orice model sau versiune. Operatiuni Software Decodare iPhone 4 3G 3GS 2G Nou 4.1 4.2.1 Resoftam Apple iPhone 4 3G 2G U
12 Ron - Tel: 0786626919 - Telefoane mobile / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Phone Model T2000 Network GSM 850 900 1800 1900 Weight of T2000 with a battery 0.142kg Available Language English French Spanish Danish Polish Portuguese Italian German Bahasa Melayu Bahasa Indonesia Czech Norwegian Slovak Dutc
499 - Tel: 0765311335 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM iPhone Decodare iPhone 4 3Gs 3G 2G 0765.45.46.44 Service Apple iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G. Deblocare Apple iPhone 3G 2G prin cablu de date orice versiune garantat incusiv 4.2 sau 4.1 Reparatii Apple iPhone 4 3Gs 3G 2G
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM iPhone Decodare iPhone 4 3Gs 3G 2G 0765.45.46.44 Service Apple iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G. Deblocare Apple iPhone 3G 2G prin cablu de date orice versiune garantat incusiv 4.2 sau 4.1 Reparatii Apple iPhone 4 3Gs 3G 2G
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM iPhone Decodare iPhone 4 3Gs 3G 2G 0765.45.46.44 Service Apple iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G. Deblocare Apple iPhone 3G 2G prin cablu de date orice versiune garantat incusiv 4.2 sau 4.1 Reparatii Apple iPhone 4 3Gs 3G 2G
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
Service GSM iPhone Decodare iPhone 4 3Gs 3G 2G 0765.45.46.44 Service Apple iPhone 4 3GS 3G 2G. Deblocare Apple iPhone 3G 2G prin cablu de date orice versiune garantat incusiv 4.2 sau 4.1 Reparatii Apple iPhone 4 3Gs 3G 2G
1 Ron - Tel: 0765454644 - Service / BUCURESTI Detalii Anunt
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